Badminton Training


Have You Ever Been Faced With a Player That's Got a Smash Like a Speeding Bullet and Wondered How You'll Ever Get Any of Them Back?

Well Obviously Your Court Position is Important, But There's Also Another Factor That You Can Work on to Improve Your Chances of Returning Even the Fiercest of Smashes...


Take a Look Below to See Exactly How

There's a couple of players I play with regularly who have fantastic smashes. You know that if they hit one right out of the sweet spot, you just aren't going to see it in time to be able to hit it back. I'm sure you know players like this yourself.

But the fact is, it is something you can work on. If you see the shuttle early enough and you're used to hitting the shuttle with little reaction time to the places where your opponent can't easily kill the point, then you should be able to comfortably handle even the most brutal of smashes.

And it all comes down to that one thing... PRACTICE!

The beauty of this next video clip is that it shows you a technique that you can put in to your own Badminton training program to both improve skill AND fitness. That's a win-win situation if you ask me.

I've shown you a clip with me standing facing away from the shot and then turning around to react and hit the shuttle back, but there are many ways you can do this. You could move forwards from a given point and then hit a shot, get up off the floor to hit a shot etc.

Don't pay any attention to my technique, I'm not here to coach you in technique or skill, but just use the concept. You can make it harder by being closer to the feeder.

I did this outside and without a net, but ideally you should use a Badminton court. Also I simply use this technique to improve my reaction speed without any thought to where to shuttle goes. Obviously that is the next step, to not only hit the shuttle, but also to send it to where you want it to go.

But I thought this was a good little drill that you could do at any time to help improve your reactions and increase your chances of hitting back smashes from your arch nemesis!

If you want to discover more exercises and fitness drills that you can do to improve the fitness, strength and stamina of every muscle used in Badminton then you should check out my NEW badminton fitness training program here to find out more - Badminton Training Tips

Anyway, here it is now, I hope you enjoy the video!

Don't forget to send me any thoughts or comments you might have about this short video clip. You can send them to me here -

Also you could check out these other Badminton Training video clips -

Badminton Power   Badminton Speed   Badminton Flexibility   Badminton Fitness